L.A.B. Golf B.2 Putter 12

L.A.B. Golf B.2 Putter Review

L.A.B. Golf B.2 Putter

At first glance, the L.A.B. Golf B.2 Putter looks like a familiar center-shafted, sort of boxy, straight blade putter. As with all things L.A.B. Golf, you can’t judge a book putter by its cover. Though the B.2 looks fairly basic, there is a lot going on with it to deliver the signature Lie Angle Balance technology that L.A.B Golf is built upon. While not as forgiving as the DF 2.1, the B.2 blade allows for the same easy torque-less putting stroke.

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L.A.B Golf Remote Fitting

L.A.B. Golf has a remote fitting process they use to help get you in the perfect putter with the exact Lie Angle Balance you need. Jon described the process well in his BLaD1 review so I’ll borrow his explanation.

L.A.B. Golf first asks you to choose a putter length that feels good to you and shoot a quick video. The first step is to put on your favorite golf shoes and then take a few smooth strokes while you’re lined up with a door, or some other vertical surface. This is how L.A.B. calculates your exact lie angle and selects the right grip for you.

Looks 8

The Looks

As I mentioned in the intro the L.A.B. Golf B.2 putter looks pretty straight and boxy. Though a unique shape, there have been quite a few classic putters of similar designs throughout history. Some of which have won a few Major championships. L.A.B. currently offers the B.2 in both brass and stainless steel finishes with four different alignment aid options. Basic KBS CT Tour putter shafts are available in black and chrome while other options like BGT Stability are available as well. There are also three different face options as well. Not going to lie, the icon patter chosen in this review is pretty impressive.

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How Does it Feel?

A lot of variables come into play here. First, L.A.B. Golf offers the B.2 in two materials which naturally will play a role in the feel. I haven’t used the stainless option, but the brass feels a little softer than stainless traditionally feels. Also, if you choose to go with either the grooves or icons in the face, the feel will also be a touch more muted. The blank face option is still lightly milled but should feel a touch more clicky. All of this to say the putter head is very responsive and provides great feedback. The key to getting a sweet feel with the B.2 is finding the sweet spot which is on the smaller side.

This is a good place to discuss the concept Lie Angle Balance. L.A.B. makes each putter by hand to ensure it comes out perfectly balanced. At this point, the B.2 is designed in such a way that it has no natural desire to twist during the swing. Also known as “not torquing” during the putting stroke. If you want to learn more about the technology and design, check out this page from L.A.B. Golf. Mix in L.A.B.’s Press II grip and the B.2 is pretty quiet and smooth in your hands.

Feel 4

How Does it Sound?

Like the feel, the different materials will play a role in the L.A.B. Golf B.2 putter’s sound. Stainless should be firm but a little more muted. The brass pictured here is a little on the soft side of clicky, which is a bit sharper in tone. I want to be clear, it’s not loud and it doesn’t sound like you’re hitting a rock. Think of stainless steel putters meeting the classic manganese and Beryllium putters of the good old days.

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On-Course Performance

The L.A.B. Golf B.2 putter is my second and a half experience with this whole “Lie Angle Balance” thing. One thing I absolutely can’t take away from this company is that their putters swing incredibly smooth. I don’t have one of those fancy “Revealer” contraptions to do their No Torque study for myself, but between the three L.A.B. putters I’ve tried, they are noticeably quiet and easy to keep square to your target.

I’m being totally honest when I say, I don’t know of any putters that swing like a L.A.B. putter does. It does take some adjusting if you aren’t used to it. As helpful as these putters are at making the stroke quiet, you still have to focus on mechanics. Admittedly, their Press grip, which promotes a comfortable mild forward press, helps alongside the Lie Angle Balance, but I can make any putter swing bad, trust me. Once I got a feel for the putter, and quite literally how to swing it, my stroke was pure. I was able to easily hit my target and the roll was great. I will admit, I could benefit from a little more forgiveness, but I still rolled the ball really well. Ideally, I could personally use something that sits somewhere between the B.2 and DF 2.1 and I’d be in business on the greens.

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Final Thoughts – L.A.B. Golf B.2 Putter

Though the L.A.B. Golf B.2 putter is a little more tame than the wildly bizarre Directed Force 2.1 (which I still absolutely love, by the way), it’s just as smooth. One factor worth pointing out at the end here is that all of these putters are fully made in the US and the quality is extremely impressive. There’s no question that these guys really know what they’re doing and make great putters. I do believe there is something to their Lie Angle Balance design and it’s worth looking into if you’re open to something a little less traditional. Either way, I’ve enjoyed getting to know this brand and their products over time, and I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for them.


  1. I own the brass B2- side saddle putter. Admittedly have had about 20 putters from different manufacturers and styles. Putter gives good feedback and delivers an incredibly smooth stroke and almost swings itself. Short putts are reliable and have never dropped so many long putts, Great customer support. At the top of my embarrassingly long putter collection

  2. I’m in the camp of, “if it drops the ball in the bottom of the cup better than anything else, I don’t give a rip what it looks like”, so the forgiveness of the DF 2.1 won out for me (I’ve owned both). Because the Directed Force 2.1 is so forgiving of heel or toe strikes, once I get lined up I’m able to look at the hole (or target if there is lots of break) while I take my stroke, since that gives me MUCH better distance control. The L.A.B. Golf technology flat out works!

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