Nippon Shaft today introduced 21-time Japanese champion Yuta Ikeda as a brand ambassador for the brand. Read the full press release here.
Author: Driving Range Heroes
Gainbridge LPGA Winner Swings Graphite Design Tour AD in Victory
Pro’s Choice Golf Shafts, Inc. announced today that the winner of the Gainbridge LPGA was playing Graphite Design shafts. Read the full press release here.
GOLFTEC and Edel Golf Rollout Putter Fitting Systems to 130+ GOLFTEC Locations
Edel Golf and GOLFTEC are proud to announce the rollout of the Edel EAS Putter Fitting System to over 130 GOLFTEC locations.
Club Champion Swings Onward and Upward in 2021
With 2021 being the biggest year on record for many golf brands, Club Champion, was no exception. Read the full press release here.
Introducing the KBS Tour Lite
The KBS TOUR LITE series is here, and it is the latest shaft offering from KBS Golf Shafts. Read the full press release here.
KBS Scores Big Over Weekend
KBS continues to have a great start to the 2022 season with two more wins over the weekend. Read the full press release here.