Driving Range Heroes is off today, but still wants to make sure to wish everyone a happy holidays!
Clubhouse Blog
TRUE Linkswear 2.0 – The Revival of TRUE Linkswear
After finding themselves in a place they didn’t want to be in 2016, TRUE Linkswear felt a need to revive their brand. Meet TRUE Linkswear 2.0.
How to Choose the Right Golf Grip For You
Do you know everything you should take into consideration for picking your next golf grip? We tell you what you should be thinking about when deciding.
Tour Edge HL4: “Get Fit. Spend Less. Play Better.”
DRH took a group of players to Tour Edge HQ in Chicago to learn more about the Tour Edge HL4 club lineup and do some testing.
Top Advancements in Equipment Over the Past Decade
PGATour.com recently published a piece on the top 5 advancements in equipment over the past decade, and one particular thing caught Bill’s eye.
Scott Readman Concepts ETP Putter Barn Find
Bill’s latest barn find comes all the way from England. Learn all about the Scott Readman Concepts ETP putter and its return to the golf world.