Me and My Golf Mini-Max Training Mirrors
The Me and My Golf Mini-Max Training Mirrors are versatile training aids with a variety of features and uses. From the tee, to the fairway, and all the way the green, the Mini-Max Mirrors will give you instant feedback. Coming with a full swing mirror and an alignment mirror for putting and short game, this training aid is the full package.
Set Up & Ease of Use
Setting up the Me and My Golf Mini-Max Training Mirrors is as easy it gets once you know what you’re doing. While it may be simple to set the mirror on the turf or included adjustable stand, it isn’t necessarily intuitive how to use the mirrors correctly. The alignment aids do not speak for themselves. Luckily the Me and My Golf team has your back. Featuring five included videos, Andy Proudman and Piers Ward will walk you through a series of videos on how to best use the mirrors. From the perfect setup to how to hole more puts and improve you ball striking, they left nothing out, all for no extra charge.
After watching the videos, which are really high quality, you will quickly add these simple drills to your practice routine. If you have a putting mat at home, the Mini-Max Training Mirrors are an absolute no brainer to add to that setup. Simply toss down the mirror and you are good to go. This goes without saying but, its impossible to look at the mirrors while taking a full swing. Remember eye on the ball. So, the Mini-Max Training Mirrors again are here to give you visual pre-shot checks rather than full swing feedback.
Overall, the quality and durability of the Me and My Golf Mini-Max Training Mirrors is solid. They do not seem super robust or scratch resistant, but they’re not exactly required to withstand high impact. I don’t foresee any issues with the build quality whatsoever. Important to note the convex design of the mirrors. At first, I thought the mirrors might be warped but quickly learned the curvature is designed to increase the field of view.
The included adjustable stand is a nice feature. These mirrors can go from a putting training aid to an aid you can use while practicing any kind of shot with views from any angle. Simply set down the stand on the other side of the ball and choose your mirror. The full swing mirror is for just that. With no alignment aids, it is great for giving you the clearest view of your swing. If you are looking to check your positioning, take away, and other swing characteristics, the alignment mirror is your best bet. Featuring ball position, club face, shoulder and eye line alignment, this is going to be the most beneficial mirror to use. Important to note that the mirrors work in both horizontal and vertical orientations.
Lastly, being able to see your forward press at address to improve you ball striking is easily my favorite drill that I got from the videos. The mirrors will allow you to build muscle memory while taking practice swings that will soon transition into shots during your round.
Final Thoughts – Mini-Max Training Mirrors
Overall, the Me and My Golf Mini-Max Training Mirrors are easily one of the most versatile training aids considering their ease of use and portability. Just throw it in your bag and you would never even know it’s there. I found myself using the mirrors on the practice green before teeing off to have a good feel going into my rounds. Regardless of where you take it, for $30, the Mini-Max Mirrors are a great value and can quickly become a staple in your practice routine.