In this Gear Talk episode, the crew heads out to Sycamore, IL to catch up with Sub 70 to learn about ‘The Seventy’ & Bill gets fit for the Sub 70 659 Irons.
Clubhouse Blog
That Range Life – Episode 117: The Gang Hangs Out at The Seventy
That Range Life 117: Bill, Kris, and co head out to The Seventy in Sycamore to hang out with Sub 70 Golf and learn more about the new space.
Driving Range Heroes – Mother’s Day Gift Guide
Breaking the mold a bit this year, our Mother’s Day Gift Guide goes in a slightly different direction. Check it out if you need a good gift this year.
That Range Life – Episode 116: Movie Draft with Noonan Golf Co
That Range Life 116: Bill & Kirs are joined by Marcus and Miles of Noonan Golf Co, and as with all guests on a show, we do a draft!
Speeding Up Play Can Lead to Longer Life
Do you want to speed up the pace of play and live a longer life? Big Max highlights a study from Leicester University that tells you how.
Jon Had a Really Good Golf Winter
Jon has no patience for cold seasons, so during his Golf Winter trip, hits up some great courses and tells some stories about it.