2022 Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day 2022!

Father’s Day 2022

Man, what a difference a year makes… As I sat down to figure out our Father’s Day 2022 post, I took a look at what I posted last year. I thought to myself, “I can probably just use whatever satirical, tongue-in-cheek goofy blog I wrote last year again this year.” When I pulled up said post, I realized how basically none of my Father’s Day plans from that post actually worked out. If you’re a loyal follower to the site, you may recall me posting about having to take it a bit easy last summer. Welp, Father’s Day weekend was the big leadup to all that fun.

I had plans to get some Jet’s Pizza with my son and play 9 holes of golf with my daughter for her birthday/Father’s Day combo. Instead, I spent all of Father’s Day weekend and her birthday in the hospital and missed all of it. There were also tornadoes that ripped through the area causing the need to seek shelter in the middle of the night. (Thankfully, there was no damage, but was still scary for the kids.) OH, and on top of that, our family dog passed away that Saturday. (She was super old, it was just a wild series of coincidental events.)

It’s funny because I almost totally forgot that this all happened over that specific weekend. So as grim as all of the above may come across, I’m pretty pumped that all is well this year and I get to celebrate my daughter’s 10th birthday while hanging out with my dad for a bit.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I’d say my sentiments from last year carry over into this year. Experiences and camaraderie are better than objects or gifts any day. I most likely won’t be golfing, but probably mowing a lawn and maybe going for a walk or bike ride with the kids. And that sounds great. Take a day to slow down, enjoy some dad/parent time, and have some fun.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there, and make sure you wear your best Air Monarchs this Sunday!

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