Wedge Yips Update 7

Wedge Yips Update 7: Kevin Kisner’s in the Mix and I Have a YouTube Problem

Today we bring you Bill’s Wedge Yips Update 7.  The good news is that the progress continues.  I’m getting much more consistent with my contact and actually feel like I have some comfort and a prayer to hit the ball with my wedges.  A nice bonus out of all this is that I’ve become much better with full wedge shots as well.  The bad news is that I still feel those yips lurking at all times.  As a result, I’m still cursed with constantly seeking answers rather than just continuing to rely on what I already consider to be good information.  That’s where YouTube comes in.

With modern YouTube algorithms, all it takes is watching one video to open the floodgates.  I watched one video on “chipping from tight lies” and now my recommended videos are inundated with similar videos.  Of course, I end up watching all of them.  Some of them have been very helpful, some have not.  All of them have put a million things into my head and stay trapped in there.

Kevin Kisner, Frankie Butter Knives, and Fore Play Golf

As a Barstool Sports reader/viewer (affectionately referred to as a Stoolie) and a wedge yips victim, I casually encountered a video of Kevin Kisner working with Frankie Borrelli, aka Butter Knives, to fix the exact same problems I have.  Now, Frankie is also well documented on Barstool’s Fore Play podcast and their videos having similar struggles and constantly seeking answers to end his golf course misery.  While I’m not a massive fan of the pod (credit where credit is due – stick tap), I like Kisner and I’m equally as desperate to end my wedge woes.  So I watched this video below (PS. watch out for language if that’s a concern to you):

Now, I don’t feel like Kiz is saying anything revolutionary here, but the way he worded his pointers and watching Pizza Boy put them to work clicked.  These seemed like very practical suggestions.  I was able to see what it looked like and how it translated.  The big ones for me were the chest and the grip staying in rhythm, and the arms staying plugged into the body.  Honorable mention: “don’t use your hands, use your body.  If that club weighed 200 pounds, how would you move it back?”  I took those tips out to the range and saw instant success.

These simple things from Kisner are likely making many of you go, “no kidding you, idiot, this is wedging 101.”  Yeah, I know.  I’ve said the same thing to myself for seven years, but as I’ve said before, things just don’t always click and put you in a comfort zone.  Well these pointers seem to have done a lot to point me in that direction and I’ll take it.  Since “thinking these thoughts,” I’ve seen a noticeable difference in my consistency and control.

Callaways JAWS MD5 Featured

Ongoing Efforts

As I’ve learned, the wedge yips are not solved overnight and there are honeymoon periods.  So far, I’m hopeful this success/progress I’m having isn’t a flash in the pan.  I’m still far from perfect, and when I make mistakes, I usually know exactly what I did and what I need to do different.  This is very much “new” to me with my wedges.  I haven’t had that awareness for years.  Most of my issues come when I try to be too cute like “oh, I’m gonna try and put some extra zip on this one!”  Or, “I’m gonna burn this one in low, one hop, and dribble out!”  Yeah, no…I’m going to hit it like shit and regret not keeping it simple.  Hopefully I’ll get that ability soon, though.

Another contribution has been switching to the new Callaway MD5 Jaws wedges.  While this may seem like more of a shameless plug, I’ve felt more comfortable with these wedges.  Of course, it could just be a fresh look over something different or a total placebo effect, but I’ll ride the wave as long as I can.

Wedge Yips Update 7 Final Thoughts

Since “thinking these thoughts” from the Kevin Kisner video, I’ve seen a noticeable difference in my consistency and control.  Shout out Frankie and the Fore Play boys for posting it.  I’m looking forward to being able to build a little confidence going forward.  At one point in the video, Kisner asks Frankie, “Are you getting anxious?  Just waiting for the skulls to come back?  That’s what would happen to me.  I would think, ‘I know it’s coming.'”  Yep!  That’s a very familiar feeling to me, but that’s just part of overcoming the mental battle.  Stay tuned!

Wedge Yips: The Series


  1. I really enjoy this series as I have had on/off wedge yips for many years. I think Yips are never eliminated, but can go dormant. It is in our heads and can creep its ugly head, if we let it. It is like the fable that tells you not to think of the golden monkey. Guess what comes creeping into your head… The Yips are the same. It sounds like you have made real progress and so have I. I found a wedge I can use reliably with a slightly different swing than normal from 70 to 30 yards. Its the shots off the green that give me more grief now, but taking my right thumb and forefinger off the shaft really have helped.

    Find what works for you and laugh at yourself, if and when it happens next. Good Luck

    Never Give Up, Never Surrender – Tim Allen

    • I have recently discovered a few things that are very physical and making the adjustments is paying off quickly. I’m starting to think the yips were more physical than I initially thought. The mental part is now knowing I can physically not do the wrong things now so don’t worry about it.

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